Do we really know what to ask our doctor when we're sick? And how often are we told what the risks of a treatment are, or what alternatives are available? Ray Moynihan and Melissa Sweet have done all the deep probing, cut through the medical research and untangled the commercial questions to write a compelling and direct book that will give us all some control over the medical decisions that affect us.
Daily the world is rocked by scandals about the side effects of drugs, the dangers of unprofessional doctors, and the risks of overcrowded and dysfunctional hospitals. Despite the life-saving technologies, the wonder drugs and miracle cures, much is wrong with modern medicine. There is little doubt that a dose of healthy scepticism is just what the doctor ordered.
With clarity, simplicity and compelling examples, Ten Questions You Must Ask Your Doctor will empower you and your loved ones to ask the right questions, to find the best care and to avoid treatments that may not be best for you. Full of helpful tips about how to become a better informed patient, this is a book that belongs on every family bookshelf. Asking questions is good for your health.