Tells how an ordinary young Australian woman single-handedly transformed herself from a 'fat chick' into a 'hot chick' by developing an astonishingly simple weight-loss plan.
A couple of years ago I weighed 97 kilos and was a size 22. I have now lost 45kg and eight dress sizes while still eating at least six times a day, having dessert every night and only doing moderate exercise a few times a week.
I am not a doctor or a dietician, just a young Mum who didn't have the time, money or patience to try yet another fad diet that didn't work. Instead, I found a way to lose weight without giving up sweets, attending embarrassing public weigh-ins or joining an expensive gym. I continued to do all my food shopping at the supermarket and I didn't waste precious money on unidentifiable meal replacements or dangerous drugs.
This book does not contain a new miracle cure, just loads of practical, easy to follow advice. This is really the most Do-able Diet you'll ever find.